Saturday, April 6, 2013


And the waiting game continues...!
It's the end of my Spring Break and I really thought we might have a baby by now but she must be pretty comfy in there! Had a little scare Wednesday afternoon and ended up in the hospital after another episode of super sharp pains in my right side. Jo was at work so after talking to my doctor, I drove myself to the hospital and Jo met me there. They ran a couple of tests and found blood and bacteria in my urine so they think the pain was a kidney stone that started me contracting. They did (very painfully) check me and I was 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced. However, the contractions became irregular so they sent us home about 11:30 Wednesday night after 2 bags of fluid and an antibiotic through iv. I really want to meet this baby but was kind of happy to go home because I was not prepared quite yet, didn't even take my bag with me!
The next day I had a regular doctors appt and I was still 1 cm but had moved to 70% effaced so at least things are moving along, even if it is slowly!!

We went to supper club Thursday night at the Bensons, which will be the last we attend without a baby! We are super excited that Robert and Jessica will also be welcoming a baby GIRL into their family in August! Lots and lots of girls!


We had a great Easter weekend. The sweet Gulledge family including almost 6 month old Summer stayed with us for the weekend! Saturday, the Nobles came over for dinner and we all dyed Easter eggs and caught up. Sunday, we attended our church but it was so packed that we had to sit outside. Luckily the weather was nice and we had a beautiful view of the inlet while listening to the service! We had a delicious Easter dinner at Josephs parents with friends and family.
Monday the Gulledges left and Kenzie came to sty after she worked in North Myrtle for the day. Mom arrived on Tuesday and I met her at the Shaws beach house in Litchfield to visit with them and the kids! Sarah Sloan and Wells are both so cute when they talk about Baby Taylor in Momo's tummy! Sarah Sloan already wants to "hold her". Wells enjoyed his Spring Break and is very proud of his new golf clubs... what a cutie!
Mom and Kenzie both left a couple of hours before the hospital incident Wednesday but were ready to turn around if need be.

Joseph has been on standby at work and they've been so nice and flexible. They also gave us some sweet baby gifts and a really nice card. We are both very fortunate to work with great people! Jo was excited to finally meet cute little Hadley this week!
Sooo we are really hoping to have this baby soon but doc says if we haven't by my appt Monday we will discuss inducing. She said she would be surprised if I made it that far but at this rate, it's quite possible! Night time is just the worst right now, feels better to be up and moving but soon enough this will all be well worth it :)