Saturday, December 22, 2012

24 Weeks!

Christmas is less than a week away!! Joseph and I are both officially off of work through the New Year so we couldn't be happier to relax and spend time with one another and family!
I think we're ready!!

The past week:

Friday: Joseph had his wisdom teeth out :( All went well overall but recovery is still in process. He did wake up in the middle of the surgery but they were able to put him back under immediately. I think he's just glad to have it all behind him!

Sunday: Joseph's extended family Christmas party! The annual tradition is a chinese gift exchange which is always a fun time :) This year, Joseph ended up with a food scale (his own purchase) and being the sweet wife I am, I stole the Bobber cooler for him! Here are some pics from the fun chaos:
I worked Monday and Tuesday, and we had our 24 week appointment on Wednesday. Appointments are always reassuring and exciting when you hear the heartbeat. The heartbeat was fast and strong!
Thursday: I hit the road for Columbia to celebrate Christmas with my best college friends! On the way, I made a pit stop in Pinewood to visit Morgan and little Liza Barwick. Liza is absolutely precious and it was so nice to catch up with Morgan. She is due with #2 only one month after me so we had lots of baby talk and she is full of mommy advice, which I always love to hear!!

In Columbia, we all met at Macky's and ate apps and enjoyed our annual ornament exchange. We also celebrate birthdays that were missed/in December. Baby girl even made out in the gift exchange!!
Baby Toms, beach wear, and a passy clip:
Lyndsay and I had a fun slumber party at her parents' house and then I headed to Sumter for the day to babysit my 3 favorite babies!! Caroline needed to get some last minute Christmas shopping done so she went to Columbia while I played with the kids all day (Mom and Kenzie came over after naptime and helped/played with us!) Wells and Sarah Sloan did so well playing together/destroying the house and Benjamin just crawled around and took it all in. He is quite the calm baby!!
Wells and Sarah Sloan love singing Holy, Holy, Holy:) 

 This weekend Joseph and I will probably celebrate his bday with a few friends and we're heading to Florence Sunday for Powell Christmas before we go to Sumter on Christmas Eve! Excited about the next few days and next week when we go to NYC!!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

23 Weeks!

I can't believe we're almost 6 months along in this pregnancy! Only 17 weeks left (if baby decides to stay for the full 40 weeks). She's kicking away as I type right now! She is about the size of a grapefruit this week. She weighs a little over a pound now and is beginning to fill out with some fat deposits around her body...Translation: her weight gain = weight gain for me too! Here goes ;) She can hear and sense all of my movements too! What a little miracle :)
Christmas really is my favorite time of year! I love Christmas decorations, Christmas music, Christmas activities, spending time with family, and anything else that has to do with Christmas! Our calendar has filled up with Christmas activities:

This past weekend I had my work Christmas party and then went with Jo, Kim, and Zach to Mellow Mushroom and to see the drive-thru light show at the Pelicans Stadium. It was really neat. We set our radio to the Christmas station and the lights danced accordingly!
Saturday we headed to Charleston for Phil and Kristin Richardson's big day! The ceremony was at the Citadel Chapel, which was all decorated for Christmas. The reception was at the Creek Club at I'on and it was beautiful! We had a great time catching up with old friends and then went and stayed with Murph and Laura for the night. It's always fun to visit with such sweet friends :)
Sunday we hurried home to our furry girl (who stayed at home by herself for the night and couldn't go outside to go potty bc we left the wrong key for friends to let her out...whoops)! We had a pretty lazy day until supper club group arrived around 6:30, dressed for Christmas of course! We had salad, shrimp and grits, bread, and apple pie with ice cream for dessert! We also had fun doing our annual ornament exchange. That's another Christmas favorite of mine...ornaments!!

Tuesday night, we concluded our Bible study on Esther. It was such a blessing to study this book with all of these sweet girls. I think everyone enjoyed the study but also enjoyed meeting other girls who live in the MI area. We celebrated the final night with a pot-luck dinner and another ornament exchange!!
This week Joseph and I plan on finishing our Christmas shopping because Joseph will be resting all weekend after he gets his wisdom teeth out on Friday :/ Pray that it all goes smoothly and for a quicky recovery because we have his extended family's Christmas party on Sunday.

Christmas countdown= 13 days, Baby countdown= 17 weeks!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

22 Weeks

22 weeks = 5 1/2 months! Wow- it's going by quickly...and I'm growing quickly!
Over Thanksgiving break, I definitely popped out! Mckenize and Joseph agreed that I didn't look pregnant and then two days later, it was quite obvious that there was a growing baby in there :)

Things have been pretty uneventful over the past couple of weeks. Joseph was in training in Charlotte for the entire week last week and then traveled to "the swamp" near Sumter for a boys only camping trip. They had a lot of fun but I think he was excited to come home and sleep in a real bed on Sunday! Since he was out of town, I went to Sumter for the weekend. Mckenzie also went home so it was a nice and relaxing weekend at home with the parents! I love these weekends spending time with family having no agenda. We didn't do much except eat and decorate for Christmas:
I'm excited about Christmas this year! Besides the camera Joseph and I are giving each other (yay!!), there isn't much I want but I'm looking forward to seeing all the kids this year. Macy will be walking around and is apparently loving Christmas trees! Wells and Sarah Sloan are both at fun ages and have really enjoyed birthday parties this year so Christmas should be interesting! Benjamin will probably just sit back and take in all the craziness, as usual. Sweet boy graduated from his "helmet" this past week!!

We're looking forward to another busy weekend this weekend. Friday- my school Christmas party, Saturday- Phil and Kristin get married in Charleston, and Sunday- supper club at our house!

Monday, November 26, 2012

It's a...

We are thrilled that we will be welcoming a sweet baby girl into our family in just a few months!! Because Joseph has so many brothers, I have always pictured us having all boys, but I guess I was wrong! The Lord knew I needed a little girly-girl shopping buddy :)
Last Tuesday, November 20th, Mom, Joseph, and I went to our 20 week ultrasound. Baby appeared to be growing and healthy. She weighed about 11 oz and her little arms, hands, fingers, legs, toes, and body parts appeared to be there! It was difficult to see on that little screen so I am excited to get the 4D ultrasound soon. When the doctor wrote the gender on the screen, Mom was the only one to look. She was sworn to secrecy for the next 2 days until Thanksgiving!
Joseph and I went to Sumter Wednesday afternoon and ate dinner with my family before heading over to Lauren and Chris Locklear's for a little Friendsgiving get-together. It was SO much fun being with the girls. We don't get to see each other often so we had a late night of talking and catching up.
Thanksgiving arrived and we were anxious for the reveal but waited patiently until after lunch. My entire immediate family (minus Robin) was in town so it was fun to celebrate Thanksgiving with everyone...even all 4 kids, 3 and under :) Can't believe we're about to add another to the wild mix!!
After our "real" family picture, everyone guessed if they thought baby Jones was a boy or girl with a balloon:
With everyone gathered around us, Mom gave Joseph and me each a cupcake. We quickly took big bites of the cupcakes looking for pink or blue icing in the middle, only to discover green icing!! Mom then handed us a package wrapped in green paper. We carefully unwrapped the green to find pink paper and then blue paper. She definitely kept us in suspense for as long as possible!! When we opened the box, there was a small package wrapped in tissue paper and, of course, that was in 3 layers of different color tissue paper! When we finally got to the bottom of all of the colors, we pulled out two adorable pink and white gowns :) They were so sweet and we were so excited to finally find out that we will have a little girl!
We headed back to the beach Thursday afternoon to reveal the gender to Joseph's family. When we arrived, they had all made gender guesses along with name suggestions: speech kids at school also made some predictions:
We quickly handed out cupcakes and Grandma was the first to bite in and say "It's a girl"! It was so much fun to share it with everyone and watch their reactions.
Mckenzie came to the beach Thursday night and we promptly started our "Black Friday" shopping at 9:30 PM at Target. We did wait an hour in line but it was very organized and fun to get some good deals for gifts! Friday we woke up early to head out again and we shopped all day long!! This pregnant girl was tired but was excited to head straight to the baby girl section in every store!! I did contain myself and only bought her one sweet little outfit, but get ready because Aunt Mckenzie is ready to spoil this baby! I love spending time with my sweet sister and am very grateful for her!! I pray that Baby Jones will have a sister and best friend just like I've been fortunate enough to have. Mckenzie stayed until Saturday afternoon and even helped us decorate for Christmas. I love Christmastime SO much and I love when our house is decorated!
We ended the weekend with a Gamecock victory over Clemson for the 4th year in a row!!!! Kim and Zach came over to watch the game and the guys had fun cheering for the cocks while Kim and I discussed all things baby because they're expecting twins in June!! We're so excited that Baby Jones will have lots of sweet friends :)
What a wonderful Thanksgiving break! We have SO much to be thankful for and it's wonderful to have a day set aside to recognize all of the rich blessings God has poured out on us over the past year! "Oh give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; For His lovingkindness is everlasting." 1 Chronicles 16:34
P.S. Joseph has officially felt Baby Girl kick multiple times now and thinks it's really cool!

Friday, November 16, 2012

19 Weeks!

Counting down the days until we find out BOY or GIRL!! We will go Tuesday for our 20 week ultrasound and then the reveal will take place on Thanksgiving day so a little less than a week before we find out. I'm ready to buy some pink or blue :)

19 week pic:
Joseph still hasn't felt Baby kick because he/she stops every time Joseph puts his hand on my stomach but I can clearly feel the kicks from the outside now. Hopefully, Joseph will catch it at the right time soon!

This week has been good but longg!

Monday: Supper club at the Nobles house. We had a Thanksgiving feast and everything was delicious! It's always fun to spend time with good friends.

Tuesday: Bible study with sweet girls. We had a great study this week and all got to know each other a little better, which was great! Can't believe we're already halfway done with our Esther study.

Wednesday: Sweet little Wells turned 3 years old!! Here he is after his little bday party, finishing off his candy cake. Boy loves candy!!


Thursday: Joseph's last day as the FCL at the Surfside branch is today so last night his sweet staff took us to dinner at Abuelos. It is bittersweet that Joseph is leaving because he has had a great experience at Surfside with a wonderful staff but we know that his new job is a great opportunity. Please pray for Joseph as he transitions into this new phase in his career!

Joseph always takes pictures of people with mullets so his staff gave him his very own mullet wig (and they even had one for me to wear too!):

The great Surfside branch staff (+me):

Today: We are heading to Columbia when I get off of work to celebrate the marriage of Joseph's good friend, Charlie, and his new bride, Meredith! They were married 2 weeks ago and took a nice, long 10 day honeymoon to the Dominican and tonight is their "reception" party!

We are thankful for another great week!!

Friday, November 9, 2012

18 Weeks!

18 weeks = 2 weeks away from finding out if sweet baby Jones is a boy or girl!! Baby is now the size of a sweet potato and I'm feeling a lot of movement, which is so much fun!

18 Weeks pic:

This week recap:

Joseph and I went home to Sumter this past weekend to babysit our sweet nephews and niece! I just love those wild little munchkins :) It is quite the handful having all three of them at once (Caroline, I don't know how you do it every day)! We had fun playing and spending time with them while Taylor and Caroline were involved in activities for Caroline's sister's wedding.

Joseph getting in some practice with the two babies:

When the kids left for their wedding, Joseph and I hurried off to Meg Saunders' wedding in Columbia. Meg was a beautiful bride and it was fun catching up with Natasha and Lyndsay at the wedding!

Sunday, we returned to Sumter to pick up Hippy and spend some time with Mom, Mike, and Kenzie! I love spending time with family!!

Monday was a BIG day for one of my very best friends! Rebecca and Branford got engaged!!! We've been waiting on this day for a longgg time now and I'm so excited for them! Looks like we'll be celebrating shortly after Baby J arrives...the big day is tentatively set for June 1, 2013! Isn't her ring gorgeous?!

Last night was Joseph's Mom's birthday so the family girls and some of Charlotte's friends had a get-together to celebrate. Charlotte always makes the party fun!

Another great week! Can't wait for the next week and a half to fly by so we can find out the gender! Yay :)

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween and 17 weeks!!

Happy Halloween!!

Kim and Zach came over for steaks and pumpkin carving on Sunday! Here are our creations:

October Halloween Supper Club = last minute costumes :)

Super Mario Bros sporting Joseph's Dad's overralls.
The group
This week brings us to 17 weeks!! It's going by quickly! Here is a pic where you can see the little baby bump :)

Some fun things from the past week:

  • Baby Jones started kicking last week!! It is such a neat feeling. Baby J likes when I sit still and am quiet...he/she just kicks away. Joseph can't wait to start feeling it too!

  • We went to Columbia for the Carolina game this past weekend. Joseph went to the game while Macky and I shopped around town. After the game, Joseph and I went to visit the new little Gulledge family :) Summer is so sweet and tiny!! It made us even more excited about April!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

1 Year Anniversary and 16 Weeks Pregnant!!

This time last year we were saying "I Do" and celebrating our marriage! We had a blast at our wedding and are thankful to all of our family and friends who made that time so special! We have thoroughly enjoyed our first year of marriage and thank God for contining to bless us and our family with a sweet baby on the way!

It's hard to believe a year has already passed but we had a fun celebrating today! We decided to share the news of our anniversary and Baby on facebook today so I posted before I left for work. It was fun to read all of the sweet posts and "likes" throughout the day. Here's the announcement we posted:
Joseph was off work so when he got out of bed, he was greeted by some "Happy Anniversary" signs around the house ;) When I got off of work, I met Joseph at the doctor's office for our 16 week appointment! We heard the baby's heartbeat again, which is always comforting. The doctor said the heartbeat was really easy to detect so it must be a girl, but she quickly changed her mind when she noticed how active the baby was. She thinks it's a boy...along with most people! Joseph and I still have no clue but we will be happy with any healthy baby!!

16 Weeks: (still hard to tell in clothes, but I can tell by my hard-to-button pants ;)

We exchanged sweet cards and Joseph gave me flowers before we headed to Frank's in Pawleys Island for dinner. It was delicious!

After dinner we changed into our pjs and enjoyed the top layer of our one year old wedding cake. It surprisingly wasn't that bad!

What a great year it has been! We are so grateful for one another and for all of God's blessing in our lives this year! We had fun at dinner going through the highlights of the past year and what we're excited about for this next year: that answer, of course, was easy...Baby Jones!!