Sunday, October 13, 2013

6 Months!

Happy 6 Months, Sweet Tay Tay!! (October 9th)

Mobility=a little more difficult to take your picture!
  • You officially have 2 teeth!! They appeared on Aunt Kenzie's birthday (September 30th)!
  • You spent your first night away from Mommy this month, also. Mommy and Daddy enjoyed a night at a USC game in Columbia while you stayed in Sumter with Bibi and Mike on October 5th. Mommy missed you lotsss but you had a great time with your grandparents, of course :) Before we met Bibi in Columbia for her to take you to Sumter, we celebrated Summer Gulledge's 1st birthday in Blythewood!
  • One of your favorite things to do these days is spit (all the time)!! Your carseat is often wet from your bubbles going everywhere. You are a silly girl! 

You are so happy and we love you to pieces!! It has been the most wonderful half a year of ours lives :) We cannot thank God enough for choosing us to be your parents!

This has been a wonderful month: 

Taylor went to her first Carolina football game tailgate! 
We had a great time hanging out with friends before Rebecca came and picked Mommy and Tay up to go back to her house and watch the game!
Long day for baby...
We celebrated Cousin Macy's 2nd birthday in Charleston!
After Macy's party, we headed back to celebrate Sally & Phillip Harris at their wedding in Litchfield! We had a fabulous time and enjoyed hanging out with Kenzie & Ansel too! 
You're still not enjoying baby food...
So Daddy thought you might enjoy a rib...
We had a great time celebrating Aunt Kenzie's 26th birthday with Bibi, Mike, Ansel, Kenzie, and Sarah Sloan. We celebrated on Saturday (the night before Taylor's baptism). 
 The big baby putting on her "lips"...
Sarah Sloan still loves Baby Tayla as much as ever :) 
This month we celebrated such a special day...your baptism! We have prayed for you even before you were conceived. Everyone always tells you that you cannot imagine the love you will have for your child and it is so true. You bring so much joy to our lives and we continue to pray for you everyday. Your baptism was very special and we pledged in front of God and family and friends to be the best parents we can be so that you may know God and His amazing love. We pray that you will grow to be a beautiful girl inside and out, loving God above all else. We thank Him all the time for you!! God loves you very much, sweet girl, and so do we!! 

You had lots of family and friends there because you have lots of people who love you! 

It was a beautiful day, wonderful services, and great lunch! 

We can't believe you're already 6 months old but we are excited to watch you grow into an even bigger and sweeter girl over the next 6 months!! 

Friday, September 27, 2013

5 Months!

Sweet Taylor is 5 months old (September 9th)!!

She has grown...
Exciting happenings over the past month:
  • Taylor started oatmeal & rice cereal and usually enjoys it! Right now she only eats it at dinner time.

However, when we gave her green beans for her 5 month birthday surprise, she about lost her whole stomach...
  • Taylor has started sitting up (but will still fall forward or backward if you leave her too long :)
  • When you lay her down on her back, she immediately flips over to her tummy!
  • She started sleeping in a sleep sack (no more swaddling) on 8/22/2013 and slept from 7:30-4:00 so that was a success! I actually like the sleep sack because now she can wear all of her cute little footed pajamas :)
  • Taylor had her first cold starting August 29th and lasting for an entire week. Dr. said it was just a cold but the next week she spiked a fever of over 101. Diagnosis=double ear infection :( It's really sad when you're baby is sick! However, she did get the "pink stuff" aka amoxicilian. We loved that medicine as kids and I may have snuck a sip or two of hers!
  • Taylor went to her first birthday party on Aug 10th for her daycare friend, Karris Knight, who turned 2! She then went to her cousin, Mackenzie's, 3rd birthday party on Sept 7th at Aunt Jane's house.
  • We celebrated the life of Grandma Powell in Sumter on August 19th after she went to be with Jesus! It was a nice funeral and it was great seeing the family.
  • Baby Charlotte Benson was born! Joseph, Taylor, and I made a trip to Charleston one evening to meet this precious new baby!
  • Taylor got to spend some quality time with her best bud, Will Taylor when his Mommy brought him to the beach for a few days! Hope he likes big girls :)
  • Taylor & I traveled to Sumter for the night of Sept 6th because my step-sister, Ashley, and her little girl, Reagan, were in town before their family makes a big move to Alaska!! We had a great (and wild) time watching all of the cousins run around together!
  • We are honored to be the godparents of our sweet niece, Macy, and had the privilege of standing beside her and her parents on the beach as she was dedicated on Sept 8th! It was such a sweet little service and beautiful weather! We love our beautiful, Macy!
  • After returning to work, (I'll admit: I would much rather be home with my sweet baby, but the anticipation of going back to work was more difficult than actually going back) we seem to have a good routine down these days: Mommy gets up to shower and get ready, Daddy wakes up and gets Taylor/ wakes her up, Mommy feeds Taylor and leaves for work, Daddy gets himself and Taylor ready and then drops her off at the babysitter's house. Daddy is really enjoying his time with Taylor in the mornings and Mommy loves getting home early in the afternoon for some quality time with her sweet girl :)
Sometimes though, Taylor gives Daddy little big surprises in the morning like this one:
But she sure does love her Daddy!
  • It's amazing how much you can love a little person!!