Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween and 17 weeks!!

Happy Halloween!!

Kim and Zach came over for steaks and pumpkin carving on Sunday! Here are our creations:

October Halloween Supper Club = last minute costumes :)

Super Mario Bros sporting Joseph's Dad's overralls.
The group
This week brings us to 17 weeks!! It's going by quickly! Here is a pic where you can see the little baby bump :)

Some fun things from the past week:

  • Baby Jones started kicking last week!! It is such a neat feeling. Baby J likes when I sit still and am quiet...he/she just kicks away. Joseph can't wait to start feeling it too!

  • We went to Columbia for the Carolina game this past weekend. Joseph went to the game while Macky and I shopped around town. After the game, Joseph and I went to visit the new little Gulledge family :) Summer is so sweet and tiny!! It made us even more excited about April!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

1 Year Anniversary and 16 Weeks Pregnant!!

This time last year we were saying "I Do" and celebrating our marriage! We had a blast at our wedding and are thankful to all of our family and friends who made that time so special! We have thoroughly enjoyed our first year of marriage and thank God for contining to bless us and our family with a sweet baby on the way!

It's hard to believe a year has already passed but we had a fun celebrating today! We decided to share the news of our anniversary and Baby on facebook today so I posted before I left for work. It was fun to read all of the sweet posts and "likes" throughout the day. Here's the announcement we posted:
Joseph was off work so when he got out of bed, he was greeted by some "Happy Anniversary" signs around the house ;) When I got off of work, I met Joseph at the doctor's office for our 16 week appointment! We heard the baby's heartbeat again, which is always comforting. The doctor said the heartbeat was really easy to detect so it must be a girl, but she quickly changed her mind when she noticed how active the baby was. She thinks it's a boy...along with most people! Joseph and I still have no clue but we will be happy with any healthy baby!!

16 Weeks: (still hard to tell in clothes, but I can tell by my hard-to-button pants ;)

We exchanged sweet cards and Joseph gave me flowers before we headed to Frank's in Pawleys Island for dinner. It was delicious!

After dinner we changed into our pjs and enjoyed the top layer of our one year old wedding cake. It surprisingly wasn't that bad!

What a great year it has been! We are so grateful for one another and for all of God's blessing in our lives this year! We had fun at dinner going through the highlights of the past year and what we're excited about for this next year: that answer, of course, was easy...Baby Jones!!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Welcome and a little history...

Thanks for stopping by to Keep Up with our growing family!

Let's rewind to catch up on the past few months...

August 1, 2012:
Baby Benjamin had his cranio surgery so Aunt Morgan went home to Sumter to babysit sweet Sarah Sloan and Wells! We had a great time playing and were glad Macky could come play and spend the night with us! The next day I left Sumter to head back to the beach for a dinner with Joseph's leadership class. On the way home and at the dinner, I simply did not feel "right". I told Joseph after the dinner that my back hurt and I felt like I'd been hit by a bus!

August 3, 2012:
Joseph left for work and I stayed in bed because I was still off for the summer ;) . I woke up still not feeling "right" so decided to take a little test (that cost $0.88 from Wal-Mart). Not thinking much of it, I took it, set it on the bathroom counter, and went back to lie in the bed. A few minutes later, I checked on the test and couldn't believe what I saw: two little lines! It was an indescribable feeling. A little nervous about the cheap test, I had one First Response left and when that came back positive, it was confirmed! All I could do was look at Hippy and say "oh my goodness!!".

Joseph and I had been praying about this for some time but it's still quite a shock when it actually happens! I had no idea how I was going to tell him but wanted it to be a surprise when he got home from work. Having nothing to do all day, I went shopping to find a little craft. I ended up with a bandanna on which I painted with puff paint "I'm going to be a BIG sister" for our sweet first born, Hippy!
Joseph couldn't believe it:

August 17, 2012:
Some abdominal pain and reflux sent me to Doctors Care to have a few tests run. Little did we know, we would end up in the Emergency Room for the afternoon because of the possibility of an ectopic pregnancy. It was quite a scare but after ultrasounds and multiple tests, everything checked out great and we had a growing baby at 6 weeks! What a blessing :)

The next few weeks were filled with announcing our exciting news to family and a few close friends along with morning/night sickness and terrible headaches! Thankfully, I started feeling much better by the end of September!

October 5, 2012:
It felt like I waited forever for this day to arrive. I wanted to tell my college girlfriends SO badly but knew we would all be together this evening for Natasha's birthday celebration and the UGA/USC football game weekend. At dinner, I handed Natasha a white envelope with a bow tied around it as one of her birthday gifts. She opened the envelope to find a 5x7 ultra sound picture. When she was finally able to speak, she turned it around to show the table. It was such a fun way to tell them and they cannot wait to be aunts!! We also shared with Joseph's college friends that night as they were eating at the same restaurant. Their table of about 20 erupted into cheers and applause, which was exciting! We are so incredibly blessed to have such close family and friends and can't wait for Baby Jones to meet every one of them :)